“The doctor of the future will give no medication but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease”

- Thomas Edison

What is a chiropractic adjustment?

Snap. Crack. Pop.

These are the things that come to mind when people think of a chiropractic adjustment. But what is it really?

Here is a secret about an adjustment:

The sound does not indicate a successful adjustment!

The sound that you hear is simply the sudden dispersing of gas within a joint due to applied force. This fights joint restrictions and allows better movement.

And remember: when you move better, you heal better!


  • Yes and no.

    Dislocations can certainly happen, and we can sometimes treat them. However, what we focus on the most are joint restrictions. When a joint isn’t moving properly, adhesions can form that further impact its mobility. With applied pressure and gentle force, we can restore proper joint motion. So rather than “being out”, you are simply restricted!

  • Absolutely! Arthritis and joint degeneration are things that happen to everyone as they age. Trauma can cause these changes to happen earlier in life, but even with these changes, you can still benefit from chiropractic care.

  • Not at all- you should never feel like you are being made to do something you don’t want to do when it comes to your care. There are plenty of alternative therapies for neck pain if you are uncomfortable having you neck adjusted.

  • Yes to all! Give us a call to see if we are in network with your health insurance provider.

    Please note that Montana Medicaid does not cover chiropractic care if you are age 21 or older. A referral from the patient’s passport provider is necessary before care can begin in our office.

    We offer affordable time of service discounts to non-Medicare patients.